ADHD Assessment
ADHD Assessment
At Bayside Psychology we can assess children’s behaviour and cognitive functioning to determine whether an ADHD assessment may be appropriate. If you would like assessment, help or advice regarding ADHD or other developmental disorders, contact us at the clinic and we can assist you with an appointment. If you have not already seen your GP, they will be able to offer advice and consider whether a Mental Health Plan would also be helpful.
Some of the methods of assessments used are:
- Parent and child interviews
- Child behaviour rating scales
- Self report measures by parents
- Psychometric tests conducted by our psychologists
- Educational achievement testing
- Play based assessment with children.

(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
noun –
any of a range of behavioural disorders occurring primarily in children, including such symptoms as poor concentration, hyperactivity, and learning difficulties.
Need to Talk?
Our professional and skilled psychologists are available to help you find solutions to a broad range of life problems including depression, anxiety, relationship issues, workplace stress, parenting and educational problems, anger, addictions and many more.
We are open Monday to Friday from 9am - 6pm.